TCC members can enter the pool by submitting a completed entry form before the deadline of Thursday, February 13 at 8:30 p.m. Emailed copies of the form are preferred, but there will be paper copies available at the bar. The cost of entry into the pool is $10 per member, and can be paid by cash only to Steve at the bar by the entry deadline (February 13). All money collected will paid out as prizes to the top three winners of the pool.
To complete the form online, follow these steps:
1) Download the Scotties Pool Entry Form.
2) Open the Excel document and click "Enable Editing" near the top of the workbook. This will allow you to fill in the blanks.
3) Fill out your name, phone number and email address near the top of the form.
4) Use the drop down lists next to each of the games (green cells) to select who you think will win the game. Each correct guess is worth 1 point.
5) Select the Top 3 teams in Pool A and Pool B using the drop down lists. Each correct guess is worth 2 points.
6) Select the 4 playoff teams using the drop down lists. Each correct guess is worth 2 points.
7) Select the two teams that will play in the finals (drop-down lists for each Team). Each correct guess is worth 3 points.
8) Finally, select the Winner of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts. Correctly guessing the winner will earn you 5 points!
9) Save your Excel file and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the Subject Scotties.
10) Pay your entry fee ($10 cash) at the bar.
TRURO , N.S., B2N 3W5
Phone: 902-895-1639
General Email: [email protected]
Rink Manager: Chuck Patriquin
Email: [email protected]